In CBSE Secondary School Curriculum for Class 9 and 10 there are two types of additional subjects. These additional subjects include Academic Electives and Vocational Subjects.
A student can select any Vocational Subject as 6th additional Subject. Students can also select another additional subject as 7th subject from Languages or Academic Electives. The additional subjects are optional to study.
1. Examination at two levels is being held in the subject of Mathematics in the Board examination for Class X from the year 2020 onwards and the same shall not be applicable to the internal assessment in class X. It may be noted that the students who are opting Mathematics – Basic will have the option of taking Applied Mathematics (241) as an Elective at Class XI/Sr. Secondary though they may not be permitted to take Mathematics (041) at Sr. Secondary level. However, a student who has opted for Mathematics – standard can offer any one of the two available Mathematics at Sr. Secondary level.
2. If a student fails in any one of the three compulsory academic subjects (i.e. Science, Mathematics and Social Science) and passes in the Skill subject (offered as sixth optional subject), then that academic subject will be replaced by the Skill subject and the result of Class X Board examination will be computed accordingly.
3. If a student fails in any language subject, out of first five subjects, the same will be replaced by the language taken as sixth subject (in case of no skills subjects offered) or as seventh subject (optional), provided he or she has passed this language subject and after replacement either Hindi or English remains as a passed language in the first five subjects.
4. It is expected that all the students would have studied three languages up to class VIII. Those students who could not clear the third language in class VIII and have been promoted to class IX, shall be examined by the concerned schools at the end of Class IX in the same syllabus and textbooks as prescribed for class VIII. Those who are still unable to clear the third language at the end of class IX may be given another opportunity in class X. No student shall be eligible to appear in the Secondary School Examination of the Board at the end of class X unless she/he has passed in the third language. However, students with disabilities are exempted from the study of third language.
5. Either Hindi or English must be one of the two languages to be studied in class IX and X. Hindi and English can also be offered simultaneously. In Hindi, two courses have been provided for class IX and X keeping in view the varying backgrounds of the students and a student may either opt for Hindi A (Code 002) or Hindi B (Code 085).
6. Students offering additional sixth skill subject may also offer an additional language III/ any Academic subject as seventh subject.
7. Out of the three subjects – Computer Application (Code 165), Information Technology (Code 402) and Artificial Intelligence (code 417) – only one can be offered. A combination of any of these subjects is not permitted.