Legal studies was introduced as an Academic Elective subject by CBSE in 2013. The main objective of the course is to provide students a background of the evolution of the Indian legal system.
Legal studies was introduced as an Academic Elective subject by CBSE in 2013. The main objective of the course is to provide students a background of the evolution of the Indian legal system.
In CBSE Class 12 Geography Theory Question Paper will carry 70 marks for final board exams 2020. While Practical Exam will carry 30 Marks and duration of exam will be 3 Hours.
Information Technology Sample paper for class10 is an excellent source of Important questions. You need to practice important questions of IT to score good marks.
CBSE English Sample paper is an excellent source of Important questions. You need to practice important questions to score good marks.
CBSE Science Sample paper is an excellent source of Important questions. You need to practice important questions of science to score good marks.
Recently CBSE has been taking various steps to streamline Board exam process. Change of pattern for board exams is also among important changes introduced by CBSE.
You can improve English pronunciation by using Tongue Twisters. They are not just meant for kids but for anyone who wants to clear his speaking. They help by the use of alliterations which means the repetition of sounds. Lets try some tongue twisters.
haracter Set is a valid set of characters that a language recognizes. It could be any letter, digit or any symbol. Python has the following character set:
Being an international language, having command in English is big necessity now a days. Everyone feels the need to improve their skills inEnglish language.