NCERT Books for Class 8 subjects like Mathematics, Science, Social Science, Hindi and Sanskrit are free to download in English and Hindi Medium for new academic session 2022-23.

Students can click on the NCERT Class 8 Books Download links and download the NCERT book PDF copy for free for new academic session 2022-23.

NCERT Class 8 books are the standard and best source of reference for students studying in class 8.The NCERT Books are as per the CBSE Syllabus and provide all the essential and relevant chapters. The topics are explained in an interactive manner to help students understand the fundamental concepts clearly with ease. NCERT Class 8 books also have sufficient activities, examples, and exercises for students to learn the concepts thoroughly.

If you do not have access to the hard copies of the class 8th books, then check out the PDF’s of the books below. The NCERT Books are best source of reference material . The soft copy is beneficial for candidates who cannot afford to buy the books in hardcover or do not have access to hard copy at the moment. Also, teachers, entrance exam aspirants can download the NCERT Books for their reference.

NCERT Books for CBSE Class 8 can be downloaded from following links in PDF format.

Chapter 1: Rational Numbers

Chapter 2: Linear Equations in One Variable

Chapter 3: Understanding Quadrilaterals

Chapter 4: Practical Geometry

Chapter 5: Data Handling

Chapter 6: Square and Square Roots

Chapter 7: Cube and Cube Roots

Chapter 8: Comparing Quantities

Chapter 9: Algebraic Expressions and Identities

Chapter 10: Visualizing Solid Shapes

Chapter 11: Mensuration

Chapter 12: Exponents and Powers

Chapter 13: Direct and Inverse Proportions

Chapter 14: Factorization

Chapter 15: Introduction to Graphs

Chapter 16: Playing with Numbers

Chapter 1: Crop Production and Management

Chapter 2: Microorganisms: Friend and Foe

Chapter 3: Synthetic Fibres and Plastics

Chapter 4: Materials: Metals and Non-Metals

Chapter 5: Coal and Petroleum

Chapter 6: Combustion and Flame

Chapter 7: Conservation of Plants and Animals

Chapter 8: Cell – Structure and Functions

Chapter 9: Reproduction in Animals

Chapter 10: Reaching the Age of Adolescence

Chapter 11: Force and Pressure

Chapter 12: Friction

Chapter 13: Sound

Chapter 14: Chemical Effects of Electric Current

Chapter 15: Some Natural Phenomena

Chapter 16: Light

Chapter 17: Stars and The Solar System

Chapter 18: Pollution of Air and Water

अध्याय 1: फसल उत्पादन एवं प्रबंध

अध्याय 2: सूक्ष्मजीव: मित्र एवं शत्रु

अध्याय 3: संश्लेषित रेशे और प्लास्टिक

अध्याय 4: पदार्थ: धातु और अधातु

अध्याय 5: कोयला और पेट्रोलियम

अध्याय 6: दहन और ज्वाला

अध्याय 7: पौधे एवं जंतुओं का संरक्षण

अध्याय 8: कोशिका – संरचना एवं प्रकार्य

अध्याय 9: जंतुओं में जनन

अध्याय 10: किशोरावस्था की ओर

अध्याय 11: बल तथा दाब

अध्याय 12: घर्षण

अध्याय 13: ध्वनि

अध्याय 14: विधुत धारा के रासायनिक प्रभाव

अध्याय 15: कुछ प्राकृतिक परिघटनाएँ

अध्याय 16: प्रकाश

अध्याय 17: तारे एवं सौर परिवार

अध्याय 18: वायु तथा जल का प्रदूषण

Chapter 1: Resources

Chapter 2: Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wildlife Resources

Chapter 3: Mineral and Power Resources

Chapter 4: Agriculture

Chapter 5: Industries

Chapter 6: Human Resources

Chapter 1: When and Where

Chapter 2: From Trade to Territory

Chapter 3: Ruling the Countryside

Chapter 4: Tribals, Dikus and the Vision of a Golden Age

Chapter 5: When People Rebel

Chapter 6: Colonialism and the City

Chapter 7: Weavers, Iron Smelters and Factory Owners

Chapter 8: Civilising the “Native”, Educating the Nation

Chapter 9: Women, Caste and Reform

Chapter 10: The Changing World of Visual Arts

Chapter 11: The Making of the National Movement: 1870’s – 1947

Chapter 12: India after Independence

Chapter 1: The Indian Constitution

Chapter 2: Understanding Secularism

Chapter 3: Why do we need a Parliament?

Chapter 4: Understanding Laws

Chapter 5: Judiciary

Chapter 6: Understanding Our Criminal Justice System

Chapter 7: Understanding Marginalisation

Chapter 8: Confronting Marginalisation

Chapter 9: Public Facilities

Chapter 10: Law and Social Justice

Chapter 1: Best Christmas Present in the World & The Ant and the Cricket

Chapter 2: The Tsunami & Geography Lesson

Chapter 3: Glimpses of the Past & Macavity: The Mystery Cat

Chapter 4: Bepin Choudhury’s Lapse of Memory & The Last Bargain

Chapter 5: The Summit Within & The School Boy

Chapter 6: This is Jody’s Fawn & The Duck and the Kangaroo

Chapter 7: A Visit to Cambridge & When I set out for Lyonnesse

Chapter 8: A Short Monsoon Diary & On the Grasshopper and Cricket

Chapter 9: The Great Stone Face–I

Chapter 10: The Great Stone Face–II

Chapter 1: How the Camel got his hump

Chapter 2: Children at work

Chapter 3: The Selfish Giant

Chapter 4: The treasure within

Chapter 5: Princess September

Chapter 6: The Fight

Chapter 7: The open window

Chapter 8: Jalebis

Chapter 9: The Comet — I

Chapter 10:  The Comet — II

Chapter 11:  Ancient Education System of India

पाठ 1: ध्वनि (कविता)

पाठ 2: लाख की चूड़ियाँ (कहानी

पाठ 3: बस की यात्रा (व्यंग)

पाठ 4: दीवानों की हस्ती (कविता)

पाठ 5: चिठ्ठियों की अनूठी दुनिया (निबंध)

पाठ 6: भगवान के डाकिए (कविता)

पाठ 7: क्या निराश हुआ जाए (निबंध)

पाठ 8: यह सबसे कठिन समय। नहीं (कविता)

पाठ 9: कबीर की साखियॉं

पाठ 10: कामचोर (कहानी)

पाठ 11: जब सिनेमा ने बोलना सीखा

पाठ 12: सूरदास चरित (कविता)

पाठ 13: जहाँ पहिया है (रिपोर्ताज)

पाठ 14: अकबरी लोटा (कहानी)

पाठ 15: सूर के पद (कविता)

पाठ 16: पानी की कहानी (निबंध)

पाठ 17: बाज और साँप (कहानी)

पाठ 18: टोपी (कहानी)

पाठ 1: गुड़िया (कविता)

पाठ 2: दो गौरैया (कहानी)

पाठ 3: चिठ्ठियों में यूरोप (पत्र)

पाठ 4: ओस (कविता)

पाठ 5: नाटक में नाटक (कहानी)

पाठ 6: सागर यात्रा (यात्रा वृत्तांत)

पाठ 7: उठ किसान ओ (कविता)

पाठ 8: सस्ते का चक्कर (एकांकी)

पाठ 9: एक खिलाड़ी की कुछ यादें (संस्मरण)

पाठ 10: बस की सैर (कहानी)

पाठ 11: हिंदी ने जिनकी जिंदगी बदल दी – मारिया नेज्यैशी (भेंटवार्ता)

पाठ 12: आषाढ़ का पहला दिन (कविता)

पाठ 13: अन्याय के खिलाफ (कहानी)(आदिवासी स्वतंत्रता संघर्ष कथा)

पाठ 14: बच्चों के प्रिय श्री केशव शंकर पिल्लै (व्यक्तित्व)

पाठ 15: फ़र्श पर (कविता)

पाठ 16: बूढी अम्मा की बात (लोककथा)

पाठ 17: वह सुबह कभी तो आएगी (निबंध)

पाठ 18: आओ पत्रिका निकालें (अतिरिक्त पठन के लिए)

पाठ 19: आहवान (अतिरिक्त पठन के लिए)

पाठ 1: अहमदनगर का किला

पाठ 2: तलाश

पाठ 3: सिंधु घाटी सभ्यता

पाठ 4: युगों का दौर

पाठ 5: नयी समस्याएँ

पाठ 6: अंतिम दौर – एक

पाठ 7: अंतिम दौर – दो

पाठ 8: तनाव

पाठ 9: दो पृष्ठभूमियाँ – भारतीय और अंग्रेजी

पाठ 1: इस जल प्रलय में – फनीश्वरनाथ  रेणु  

पाठ 2: मेरे संग की औरतें – मृदुला गर्ग

पाठ 3: रीढ़ की हड्डी – जगदीश चंद्र माथुर

पाठ 4: माटी वाली – विद्यासागर नौटियाल

पाठ 5: किस तरह आखिरकार मैं हिंदी में आया – शमशेर बहादुर सिंह

प्रथमः पाठः – सुभाषितानि

द्वितीयः पाठः – बिलस्य वाणी न कदापि मे श्रुता

तृतीयः पाठः – भगवदज्जुकम

चतुर्थः पाठः – सदैव पुरतो निधेहि चरणम

पञ्चमः पाठः – धर्मे धमनं पापे पुण्यम

षष्ठः पाठः – प्रेमलस्य प्रेमल्याश्च कथा

सप्तमः पाठः – जलवाहिनी

अष्टमः पाठः – संसारसागरस्य नायकाः

नवमः पाठः – सप्तभगिन्यः

दशमः पाठः – अशोकवनिका

एकादशः पाठः – सावित्री बाई फुले

द्वादशः पाठः – कः रक्षति कः रक्षितः

त्रियोदशः पाठः – हिमालयः

चतुर्दशः पाठः – आर्यभटः

पञ्चदशः पाठः – प्रहेलिकाः