SYLLABUS FOR CLASS 11 PHYSICS SESSION 2022-23 CBSE Syllabus for Class 11 Physics for the session 2022-23 is available here. You can download the syllabus in pdf format. PHYSICS (Code No. 042) Class XI – 2020-21 (Theory) UNITTITLEMARKSUNIT–IPhysical World and Measurement23Chapter–1: Physical WorldChapter–2: Units and MeasurementsUNIT-IIKinematicsChapter–3: Motion in a Straight LineChapter–4: Motion in a PlaneUNIT–IIILaws of MotionChapter–5: Laws of MotionUNIT–IVWork, Energy and Power17Chapter–6: Work, Energy and PowerUNIT–VMotion of System of Particles and Rigid BodyChapter–7: System of Particles and Rotational MotionUNIT-VIGravitationChapter–8: GravitationUNIT–VIIProperties of Bulk Matter20Chapter–9: Mechanical Properties of SolidsChapter–10: Mechanical Properties of FluidsChapter–11: Thermal Properties of MatterUNIT–VIIIThermodynamicsChapter–12: ThermodynamicsUNIT–IX Behaviour of Perfect Gases and Kinetic Theory of GasesChapter–13: Kinetic TheoryUNIT–XOscillations and Waves10Chapter–14: OscillationsChapter–15: WavesTOTAL70 DOWNLOAD FULL SYLLABUS FOR PHYSICS CLASS 11 PDF CHEMISTRY SYLLABUS FOR CLASS 11 MATHEMATICS SYLLABUS FOR CLASS 11 BIOLOGY SYLLABUS FOR CLASS 11 ENGLISH SYLLABUS FOR CLASS 11 CBSE SYLLABUS FOR CLASS 12 CBSE SYLLABUS FOR CLASS 10 Share this:WhatsAppTweetEmail